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Oxygen Analyzers 氧化鋯感應器技術製程線上氧氣含量監測儀器

儀器百科/2015/1/5 下午 01:49:211161

Oxygen Analyzers 氧化鋯感應器技術製程線上氧氣含量監測儀器

廠牌:Illinois Instruments/U.S.A.


Zirconia Sensor Technology 氧化鋯感應器技術製程線上氧氣含量監測儀器

Illinois Instruments' Series 800 氧氣分析儀是專為低ppm級到100%的工業氣體快速和精確的測量。該組中的所有儀器結合了獨特的微型氧化鋯陶瓷氧傳感器,提供高精度,快速響應,以及測量範圍寬。這種傳感器是非損耗,並且不需要定期檢查或維修。



Illinois Instruments' Series 800 Oxygen Analyzers are designed for the rapid and accurate measurement of oxygen from low ppm levels to 100% in nearly all industrial gases and atmospheres. All instruments within this group incorporate a unique miniature zirconia ceramic oxygen sensor to provide high accuracy, fast response, and a wide measuring range. This sensor is non-depleting and requires no periodic inspection or maintenance.

All models feature microprocessor control for stable and repeatable operation. A bright, autoranging LED display provides direct measurement output. User-adjustable alarms, scaleable analog output signals, RS232 interfacing, and process sample bypass flow systems are all optionally available.

Three different configurations add to the base Model 810 (shown at right) to offer the choices needed to satisfy virtually all industrial environment and operational constraints.


Non-depleting sensors
Ambient air calibration
Specific to oxygen
Autoranging LED displays
Fast response
Bench top or in-panel installation
Analog outputs, alarms, and RS232 interface available
Bypass flow system available

Gas purity certification
Gas blanket monitoring
Glove box monitoring
Purge gas monitoring
Food and beverage packaging
Controlled environment monitoring
Quality control (gas mixing and manufacturing)
Semiconductor manufacturing

[ 我要回應 ] -> Oxygen Analyzers 氧化鋯感應器技術製程線上氧氣含量監測儀器



BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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