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Programmable 3D Sunflower Shaker Multi Bio 3D 可程式 3D 旋轉振盪器 BISMulti Bio 3D

儀器百科/2015/4/28 下午 03:25:021242

Programmable 3D Sunflower Shaker Multi Bio 3D 可程式 3D 旋轉振盪器 BISMulti Bio 3D



1. 可程式功能提供三種操作模式:
   3D 旋轉(Orbital 3D Rotation),
   往復式3D 旋轉(Reciprocal 3D Rotation),
   振動搖擺(Vibrating /Rocking)
2. 附平板振盪盤 (20x20cm),含止滑橡膠墊。
3. 平板仰角: 7゜; 迴轉半徑: 22 mm。
4. 往復/3D 旋轉速度: 1~100 rpm (Increment 1rpm)。
5. 往復式旋轉度: 0-360゜(Step 1゜)。
6. 振盪迴轉度: 0-6゜(Step 1゜) 往復/3D 旋轉動作定時: 0-250 sec
7. 振盪作動計時: 0-5 sec。
8. 聯結式循環重複次數: 0-125 次。
9. 最大載重量: 1 kg。

Grant Bio PS-M3D 3D Multi-Function Rotator by Keison Products

Shaker programmed 3D type ballerina MULTI BIO 3D - allows realizing not only orbital 3 ex-rotation of the platform, but also soft vibrating rocking and reciprocating motion 3-dimensionnoe

These three movements can be implemented separately, pairwise and in cycles for consecutive realization of three motions.

Shaker is designed for laboratories with special requirements for mixing processes, extraction and cell culture.

It can be used in cold room or incubator at a temperature between + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C.

[ 我要回應 ] -> Programmable 3D Sunflower Shaker Multi Bio 3D 可程式 3D 旋轉振盪器 BISMulti Bio 3D



BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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