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Universal Transmitter 書寫式溫度傳送器 FlexTop2211

儀器百科/2015/5/17 下午 01:30:041274

Universal Transmitter 書寫式溫度傳送器 FlexTop2211

溫度量測元件; 感應器; BAUMER; 溫度傳送器; 溫度量測; Transmitter;


FlexTop 2211 is a 4...20 mA loop-powered, configurable universal transmitter with galvanic isolation between input and output. The input can be configured for RTD or T/C sensors, resistance, current or voltage signals.

Either 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection can be selected for the resistance input. The built-in temperature sensor or a remote Pt100 sensor can be used to compensate for "cold junction" (CJC) if thermocouples are connected.

FlexTop 2211 is embedded in silicone which makes it resistant to humid environments.

The configuration can be established from the dedicated FlexProgrammer configuring tool connected to a PC.

FlexTop 2211 has a 6 mm center hole for fast sensor replacement and spring loaded mounting screws which ensure a safe fastening even in vibrating environments.

 General Data
 Output signal   4…20 mA, 2-fils
 Electrical connection   RTD, T/C, mV and R
 Sensor   Pt100
 Accuracy      0,1°C

[ 我要回應 ] -> Universal Transmitter 書寫式溫度傳送器 FlexTop2211



BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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