
ECO7111 傳統式手持型折射計



Traditional Hand Refractometers




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MISCO is a respected industry leader in the field of refractometry. We maintain this leadership position because refractometers are all we do - just refractometers.

ECO7111 Economy Refractometer - 0 to 10 Brix / 經濟型糖度計 (白利度計)
economy refractometer ECO7111 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you.
ECO7113 Economy Refractometer - 0 to 32 Brix / 經濟型糖度計 (白利度計)
economy refractometer ECO7113 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you.
ECO7211 Economy Refractometer - Salinity ppt & Specific Gravity / 經濟型鹽度及比重折射計
economy refractometer ECO7211 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you. One scale for salinity of sodium chloride (NaCl) in parts per thousand and another scale specific gravity.
ECO7312 Economy Refractometer - Urine Refractometer / 經濟型尿素折射計
economy refractometer ECO7312 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you. Scale for urine specific gravity - NOT FOR MEDICAL OR DIAGNOSTIC USE.
ECO7212 Economy Refractometer - Salinity Percent Sodium Chloride (NaCl) / 經濟型鹽度折射計
economy refractometer ECO7212 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you. Scale for percent sodium chloride (NaCl).
ECO7411 Economy Refractometer - Ethylene Glycol & Propylene Glycol / 經濟型乙二醇折射計
economy refractometer ECO7411 | The MISCO economy refractometer offers a low-cost alternative to MISCO's premium refractometer product line. These refractometers are ideal when cost is more important than durability, accuracy and precision. If all you need need is a quick ballpark reading, then our new economy refractometer is right for you. With scales for measuring the freeze point of Ethylene Glycol (EG) & Propylene Glycol (PG). - NOT FOR APPLICATIONS INVOLVING SAFETY.
7084VP+ MISCO Glycol & Battery Tester (°F.) / 醇類及蓄電池水折射計
glycol refractometer 7084VP+ | The MISCO Glycol & Battery Tester is a refractometer designed for testing the freeze point of propylene glycol and ethylene glycol antifreeze solutions. Refractometers represent the most accurate conventional testing method available for determining freeze point and concentration of engine coolants and antifreeze solutions. With illuminated scale.
7064VP+ MISCO Glycol & Battery Tester (°C.) / 醇類及蓄電池水折射計
glycol refractometer 7064VP+ | The MISCO Glycol & Battery Tester is a refractometer designed for testing the freeze point of propylene glycol and ethylene glycol antifreeze solutions as well as battery electrolytes. Refractometers represent the most accurate conventional testing method available for determining freeze point and concentration of engine coolants and antifreeze solutions. With illuminated scale.
10440VP Traditional Industrial Fluid Refractometer - 0 to 30 Units / 傳統型工業流體折射計
Industrial fluid refractometer 10440VP | MISCO Industrial Fluid Testers are refractometers designed to provide a rapid, accurate method for determining the ratio and concentration of water-soluble cutting fluids and other industrial lubricants. This refractometer has an arbitrary scale from 0 to 30 units. This is not a Brix refractometer. With illuminated scale.
10430VP Traditional Brix Refractometer - 0 to 30 Brix / 傳統型白利度(糖度)折射計
brix refractometer 10430VP | MISCO Brix refractometers are sturdy industrial instruments designed for rugged field use. The 10430VP has a Brix scale from 0 to 30 Brix. With illuminated scale.
DOT3 Brake Fluid Tester / 煞車油濃度折射計
DOT3 Barke Fluid refractometer DOT3 | The MISCO Brake Fluid Refractometer is a precision optical testing instrument for measuring the boiling point and percent water content of DOT3 brake fluids. It only takes two drops of brake fluid to get an accurate indication of boiling point or percent water content in seconds. Brake fluid may be measured from the master cylinder or from each of the wheel cylinders.
DOT4 Brake Fluid Tester / 煞車油濃度折射計
DOT3 Barke Fluid refractometer DOT4 | The MISCO Brake Fluid Refractometer is a precision optical testing instrument for measuring the boiling point and percent water content of DOT4 brake fluids. It only takes two drops of brake fluid to get an accurate indication of boiling point or percent water content in seconds. Brake fluid may be measured from the master cylinder or from each of the wheel cylinders.
BRX15 - High Precision Brix Refractometer - 0 to 15 Brix / 高精密型白利度(糖度)折射計
brix refractometer BRX15 | The MISCO BRX15 handheld refractometer is a high-precision Brix refractometer that can accurately measure to 0.1 Brix on an easy-to-read scale. The BRX15 refractometer has automatic temperature compensation and a focusing eyepiece.
10431VP Traditional Brix Refractometer - 0 to 50 Brix / 傳統型白利度(糖度)折射計
brix refractometer 10431VP | MISCO Brix refractometers are sturdy industrial instruments designed for rugged field use. The 104301VP has a Brix scale from 0 to 50 Brix. With illuminated scale.
10400A Goldberg-Style Handheld Traditional Refractometer / 傳統型折射計
Blood and Urine refractometer 10400A | The 10400A refractometer is a high-precision handheld clinical refractometer which determines urine specific gravity, protein concentration in blood plasma or serum, and total solids in other aqueous solutions. Automatic temperature compensation provides accurate readings at virtually any temperature.





BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um PES/ PVDF 針桶過濾膜特價供應
Membrance Solution (USA) 0.22um/ 0.45um 新款 PES 濾膜快速超低殘留型濾杯特價供應




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