

錫記貿易股份有限公司【 正隆儀器有限公司】

SHI KEE Trading CO., LTD.【COW LUNG Instrument Co.,Ltd.】

No.206, Jhengyi St., Sansia Township, Taipei County 237, Taiwan



本公司創始人李欽宗 先生,約於五十年前投身理化玻璃及製藥領域,並與其兄長於1958年創立三峰儀器公司。其後,李欽宗 先生於1973年獨立創設正隆儀器有限公司,並於1977年成立錫記貿易股份有限公司,創業至今,始終秉持誠信經營、顧客至上的精神。長年來承蒙舊雨新知的支持與愛護,使本公司得以永續經營、不斷成長。


本公司專營代理Corning PyrexWheatonSchott Duran等實驗室必備之玻璃儀器及設備,近年來為提供各界需求,更將經營觸角延伸,如SAINT-GOBAIN的先進材料各式管類,BRADY的生化、抗凍及安全等標示機,DU PONT杜邦Tyvek防護衣及滅菌無塵系列,Kimberly-Clark的精密及無塵等擦拭紙, 3M 的專業工安防護系列,以及Shin-Etsu矽質透氣栓等實驗用耗材。



The company established COW LUNG INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD. in 1973, and established SHIKEE TRADING CO., LTD. in 1977. Since its establishment, it has always been adhering to the spirit of integrity management and customer supremacy. Thanks to everyone's support and love over the years, the company has been able to continue to operate and grow continuously.

The company specializes in providing glassware and equipment necessary for laboratories such as Corning Pyrex, Wheaton, and Schott Duran. In recent years, it has provided the needs of all walks of life, and will also extend its business scope, such as SAINT-GOBAIN's advanced materials and various types of tubes, and the biochemistry of BRADY. Antifreeze and safety marking machines, DU PONT DuPont Tyvek protective clothing and dust-free sterilization series, Kimberly-Clark's precision and dust-free wiping paper, 3M's professional safety and security protection series, and Shin-Etsu helium-based breathable plugs and other experiments Consumables.

Thanks again to the support of all circles for many years. In the future, the company will continue to hold the concept of providing the best product quality and excellent service and will serve you wholeheartedly. If you have any needs and 

PYREX; 玻璃儀器; 矽膠管; 拭鏡紙; 樣本瓶; Tygon; 燒杯; Wheaton; Duran Schott; 量筒; 量瓶; BRADY Label; 血清瓶; 試藥瓶; SAINT-GOBAIN; Sani-Tech; 聖戈班; 抗凍標籤機; 抗凍標籤; BMP-21; DU PONT; 杜邦; Tyvek; C-Flex; 白金催化矽膠管; 無塵衣; 滅菌無塵防護衣; Kimberly-Clark; KIMTECH; 無塵擦拭紙; 擦拭紙; 3M; 工安防護; Shin-Etsu; 矽質透氣栓; MPX; MPC.; CPC; CORNING; COWIE; Diversified Biotech; EXMIRE; FORTUNA; IWAKI; Kartell; Wheaton; MARUEMU; QORPAK; Quarz; RSG; SCHOTT; Shamrock; SIBATA; TEMPSHIELD; W.HALDENWANGER; 比色槽; Duran; Duran Group; Sibata; 抗凍手套; KC夾; Spinner Flask; Sample Vial; Label Printer; 閃爍計數瓶; 組織研磨器; N95; NMR; Tissue Grinder; 47mm玻璃過濾器; 胰酶培養瓶; 染色壺; Staining Dish; 血清樣本瓶; 鋁蓋; 血清塞; 鋁蓋封蓋器; 鋁蓋開蓋器; 凍乾瓶; Y型接頭; CELLine Bioreactor Flask; 自動取樣瓶; Teflon攪拌子; 攪拌器; 旋轉式培養機; 蠕動幫浦; TILT Bottle; YOUTILITY Bottle; Duran Pure; GL45; GL80; 三角錐型瓶; 量瓶; 量筒; Tygon E-3603; Tygon ND100-65; Tygon ND100-80; Tygon 2375; Pharmed BPT; PharmaPure; Sani-Tech Ultra; 不銹鋼衛生快速接頭; Tygon3350; 不銹鋼藥匙; 不銹鋼攪拌棒; SPX-50; Tygon E-1000; Tygon S3 E-LFL; Tygon XL-60; Tygon 2001; 分注器; Tygon S3 B-44-3; Tygon S3 B-44-4X; Tygon A-60-F; Tygon 2475; FKM Tubing; 化學防護衣; Tygon SE-200; Tygon R-3400; Fluran F-5500-A; Tygon A-60-G; Tygon 3370IB; BarbLock; Pure-Fit SIB; Tri-Clamp; Retainer; Pure-Fit Tru Valve; Pure-Fit TC; Pure-Fit TCL; PureGard ; ReSeal; SPD; FPD; FPW; 比重瓶; 毛細管; Bio-Simplex; Critical Process Vessels; 蒸餾裝置; Tanks; ASEPTIQUIK S; ASEPTIQUIK G; 牛奶稀釋瓶; STEAM-THRU; 加熱板; IsoClean; 加熱攪拌器; Coverall; 包紗抗壓矽膠管; Hood; 包紗軟管; Boots; 可見光分光光度計; 3M Jupiter; 3MVersaflo; 四面透光比色槽; WYPALL; 平底燒瓶; 平底螺蓋離心瓶; Kleenguard; Jackson Safety; Kimtech A5; Kimtech M3; Kimtecj G3; 石英坩堝蓋; 石英棉; 石英蒸發皿; 石英燒杯; 石英錶玻皿; BMP21-Lab; B-499; B-492; BBP-11; BBP-12; 丟棄式接種環; Tough-Spots; Cryo-Babies; 丟棄式試管; 丟棄式螺蓋試管; Cryotags; Laser Tough-Spots; Laser Cryo-Babies; 冰碗; Cryo-Clear; Rocker Tape; Dura Seal; Cryo-Gloves; 因霍夫錐筒; Cryo-Industrial Gloves; Cryo-Apron; Cryule; Cryogenic Ampule; Ampule; 安瓶; Pre-scored; Wheaton33; USP Type1; Wheaton320; AC round bottle; 安全被覆試藥瓶; Boston round bottle; French square bottle; Wide mouth bottle; 安全儲存瓶; Straight Sided jar; Valumetric draduated bottle; Safety coated bottle; Diagnostic bottle; 扣壓式塑膠檢體罐; Serum bottle; 微量藥匙; 有柄燒杯; 有栓量筒; I-Loc Closure; 自動分析儀器專用蠕動幫浦管; Serum tubing vial; 自動滴定管; 色帶; Snap Cap sample bottle; Tamper Evident Safety Cap; Uni-Dose; 血清栓; 血清試藥瓶; 血清試藥瓶螺蓋; Leak Resistant bottle; 白金催化矽膠管; Dropping bottle; PET Diagnostic bottle; Media bottle; PETG Media bottle; Ultra pure Stoppers; Straight Plug Stoppers; Lyophilization Stoppers; Rubber Stoppers; Sleeve; 2-Leg Lyophilization; 3-Leg Lyophilization; 吸油棉; Snap-on; Lined Aluminum Seals; Septa for Unlined Aluminum Seals; E-Z Crimper; Crimper; Decapper; Plier Decapper; Black Phenolic Screw Caps; 14B Rubber Liner; Metal Foil Liner; PE Cone Liner; Polypropylene Screw Caps; Mircolink; Erlenmeyer Shake Flasks; Shaker Clamps; 快速接頭; R2P; 抗凍符號筆; 抗凍標籤; 抗紫外線專用管; R2P 2.0 Roller Apparatus; 抗菌超極細纖維擦拭布; 抗菌擦拭布; 抗溶劑專用管; 抗酸鹼專用管; 抗壓管; Roller bottles; Micro-Stir Magnetic Stirrers; BioStir Magnetic Stirrers; Bench-Top Systems Mini-bottle; Bench-Top Systems Small-bottle; 防毒面具; CART2 Control Monitor and Recording Software; Remote Control Unit; Columbia Jar; Coplin Staining Jar; Slide Jar; Dura-Grind; Potter-Elvehjem Safe-Grind; Hybridization bottle; Nephelo Culture Flask; Trypsinizing Flask; Double Sidearm Celstir; Jacketed Double Sidearm Celstir; Magna Flex; Microcarrier Spinner Flask; 47mm; 25mm; Filtration Assemblies; Chromatography; ABC Vial; LVI Vial; 坩堝型抽氣過濾組; 坩堝型過濾器; ValuePak Autosampler Vial; E-Z Vial; Shell Vial; Headspace Vials; BOD bottle; BOT瓶; CryoELITE; Cryogenic Vials; 拓殖小杯; SingleScan; Bar Code Reader; PluraScan; KeepIT Freezer Boxes; CryoFile; Liquid Scintillation Vials; 矽膠軟管; 矽膠帽; 矽膠塞; 閃爍計數瓶; Omni-Vial; Sampule Vials; Mini-File; EPA Vial; Dilution Vial; Sample Vials in Lab File ; E-C Sample Vials; E-Z Ex-Traction Vials; NexGen V Vials; Spin Vanes; Vacule Vial; Serum Tubing Vials; Vial Racks; 封口膜; M-T Vial File; 染色皿; 染色盤; 染色罐; 洗滌瓶; 活栓; 活栓配件; 活栓類; 流量計; 玻璃比色槽; 玻璃加工品訂製; 玻璃珠; 玻璃閃爍計數瓶; 玻璃細胞研磨器; 玻璃棉; 玻璃棒攪拌子; 玻璃過濾器; 玻璃磨砂蓋; 研缽; 研棒; 紅環; 美國BRADY標示及儲存系統; 耐凍手套; 抗凍手套; 耐凍圍裙; 耐寒手套; 耐溶劑手套; 耐酸鹼手套; 耐壓型試藥瓶; 茄型濃縮瓶; 展開槽; 振動藥匙; 書型蒸餾水瓶; 氣密式微量注射器; 氣體洗滌瓶; 海星型攪拌子; 浸泡盤; 消毒指示帶; 真空抽氣瓶; 真空乾燥器; 真空裝置; 真空管; 真空幫浦; 真空螺旋活栓; 砷測定裝置; 粉末漏斗; 粉末藥匙; 粉塵防護衣; 粉體漏斗; 脂肪抽出裝置; 脂肪萃取器; 茶色大口瓶; 茶色分注器瓶; 茶色方型滴瓶; 茶色自動滴定管; 茶色血清試藥瓶; 茶色耐壓型試藥瓶; 茶色粉末樣本瓶; 茶色液體樣本瓶; 茶色細口瓶; 茶色細口試藥瓶; 茶色量瓶; 茶色微量樣本瓶; 茶色滴定管; 茶色寬口試藥瓶; 茶色廣口瓶; 茶色磨砂細口瓶; 茶色磨砂廣口瓶; 迴流冷卻管; 迴流裝置; 酒精溫度計; 酒精燈; 閃爍計數瓶架; 高型稱量瓶; 高型燒杯; 高黏度瓶; 乾燥器; 剪刀; 啤酒飲料專用軟管; 培養三角瓶; 培養瓶; 培養管; 密封保存瓶; 密封罐; 彩色抗凍標籤; 彩色洗瓶; 彩色標示洗瓶; 彩色標籤帶; 彩色標籤帶座; 採樣瓶; 接種針; 接種棒; 接種環; 接管; 接管螺旋蓋; 接頭; 條碼標籤印製機; 標籤帶; 液態氮; 球型吸管; 產品追溯碼; 硫磺測定裝置; 細口洗瓶; 細口瓶; 細口儲存桶; 細胞培養皿; 細胞組織研磨器; 細胞組織培養用管; 細管刷; 組織培養皿; 組織培養瓶; 蛇型冷卻管; 袖套; 被覆特弗龍藥匙; 軟管; 軟體; 凱氏分解瓶; 凱氏分解裝置; 掌上型標示機; 提壺; 提籃式染色皿; 氯化鈣乾燥筒; 無粉乳膠手套; 無粉醫療手套; 無菌快速接頭; 無塵擦拭布; 結晶皿; 量瓶; 量瓶蓋; 量筒; 黑色遮光瓶; 圓底燒瓶; 圓型塑膠真空乾燥皿; 圓錐沈澱管 ; 因霍夫錐管; 塑膠磨砂夾; 塑膠攪拌棒; 微量尖底離心管; 微量吸管尖; 微量注射器; 微量量瓶; 微量滴定管; 微量滴瓶; 微量樣本瓶; 微量藥匙; 微量攪拌子; 溫度計; 溫度計固定夾; 碘瓶; 萬用試管架; 解剖刀; 解剖針; 試管; 試管冷凍; bbp12; tc300; tc310; bbp11; 343c; tsc;



OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA代理;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶線;感溫線;偉吉達;
WHATMAN代理空氣採樣濾紙;玻璃纖維濾紙;G/A GF/B GF/C暨相關過濾素材; 2020 Cytiva代理Whatman濾膜及耗材;
BROOKS質量流量控制器;PC540;BROOKS代理;質量流量控制器;BROOKS 5850E;
OMEGA ENGINEERING ;OMEGA 代理商;熱電偶接頭;熱電偶導線;熱電偶公母接頭;熱電偶感溫線;




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